Committed to connecting the world

CIS2: Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICT services for persons with disabilities

Objective: To assist ITU Member States in the CIS region in developing regulations and technical solutions, as well as in implementing specialized training programmes to ensure the accessibility and user-friendliness of ICTs for persons with disabilities.

Expected results
1) Recommendations and regulations setting out infrastructure and content requirements in terms of accessibility and user-friendliness of ICTs for persons with disabilities

2) Recommendations on adapting web resources to make them as accessible as possible to persons with disabilities

3) Community access points for persons with disabilities, equipped with specialized IT equipment and software

4) IT training centre for persons with disabilities in the CIS region

5) Methodology for training persons with disabilities to give them telecommunication/ICT user skills, and training for trainers in the use of these methodologies

Implementation time frame: January 2015 - September 2016.


In 2015, within the framework of implementation of regional initiative CIS2, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications (IET) under Kyrgyz State Technical University (KSTU) named after Iskhak Razzakov in cooperation with the ITU created Iygilik Specialized Information and Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities, which was opened on 22 October 2015.

The Centre possesses all necessary conditions for continuation of school education and mastering different professions by persons with disabilities.  Of the 12 working places available in the Centre, 6 are meant for motor impaired users and 6 – for visually impaired users.

More detailed information is available in the report.

Report of Iygilik Opening (pdf)

To present the technologies enabling access to ICT for persons with disabilities and train the personnel of the Iygilik Centre, the ITU in cooperation with the IET and UNESCO IITE organized  Training and Information Seminar on Modern Assistive Technologies for Persons with Disabilities Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 7-8 December 2015

An Internet Access Centre for Visually Impaired People providing 3 specially equipped working places was created in the suburb of Chisinau (Republic of Moldova) on the basis of the Blind Association.

The implementation of regional initiative CIS2 was discussed at Roundtable on Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Human Development: Child Online Protection; Assistance to Persons with Disabilities; Building Confidence and Security in the Use of ICTs, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, 8 December 2015

Interim report of RI CIS2 implementation (pdf)


In 2016, an Internet Access and Training Centre for persons with disabilities was created  in Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia, in cooperation with IITE UNESCO office based in Moscow and with support of Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation on the basis of Sosnovy Bor Children's Recreation and Recovery Centre. The Cenre, which offers learning/training opportunities for blind users, as well as for users with visual impairments, muscle and skeleton disorders, and hearing and speech disorders (10 working places), was officially opened on 15 August.
Photos from the opening >>

The opening ceremony was followed by the Training on New Technologies for Persons with Disabilities addressed to teachers from general education schools, including specialized schools for children with special needs (with different kind of disabilities).

The training was conducted by experts from Russia, Great Britain, and the Netherlands and attended by 116 participants, including directors of general education institutions, teachers, methodology specialists, and specialists for inclusive education representing all regionals of the Republic of Sakha.

An Internet Access and Training Centre for Persons with disabilities was established in Minsk, Republic of Belarus in cooperation with Belarusian State Academy of Telecommunications and UNESCO IITE. The official opening of the Centre took place on 16 September and was attended by H.E. Mr Sergey Popkov, Minister of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus and high-level officials responsible for education from Minsk municipality. The Centre has 5 working places for persons with hearing and speech disorders and  delivers several ICT training courses, including one longer-term course that results in obtaining a working qualification by trainees.
Center web-page >>
Photos from the opening >>

In 2016, thanks to additional equipment purchase by ITU, the Iygilik Specialized Information and Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities obtained conditions for training and access to information resources for persons with hearing and speech/communication impairments, as well as for persons with motor impairment. The additional equipment allows group work and remote work.

Experience accumulated during creation and operation of the Iygilik Specialized Information and Training Centre for Persons with Disabilities in Bishkek is reflected in the Report for 2015-2016 (in Russian), which can be used by other Centres and interested parties.
Report on ICT Accessibility Center in Bishkek (pdf)